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23 November 2016

22 office situations that we can all relate to...

Over the past few years GIFs have been taking the world by storm allowing us all the ability to convey exactly how we're feeling with a short moving image. GIFs help bridge the gap between video (which can be time consuming) and the difficulty surrounding finding the perfect words to express your message. GIFs can convey emotion and information in a fun and entertaining way that allows others to connect with the messages you are trying to get out there.

GIFs are fast becoming a language in their own right and incorporating them into your social media posts could help boost your post's performance massively if used correctly.


Still need convincing that GIFs are amazing? Take a look at some of our favourite GIFS below which capture relatable office scenarios. Those of us who have worked in an office, whether it’s corporate, commercial or a mate's garage running an elaborate scheme for penny stocks, will no doubt have suffered through many of these awkward, twitch-worthy situations.

Take a look and see how many sound familiar...

1.  When you write ‘Happy Birthday!’ in someone’s card but it’s their leaving card and you don't like them anyway...


2.  When someone re-heats fish for lunch and the smell lingers and lingers and lingers. No. Just no, mate...


3.  When you’re stuck in a room with someone from another department and you’re not on banter level...


4.  When you end up behind the same person through a succession of doors and feel the need to continually say thank you, cheers, tar, thanks…


5.  When winter is coming and the office heating doesn’t quite suffice...


 6.  When the office joker has a day off and it’s suddenly like working in a morgue...


 7.  When your friend has gossip about a co-worker but you must wait until lunch to find out what it is...


8.  When all of your team is off sick and you become Stretch Armstrong...


9.  When you enter the Chamber of Death (the toilet) after someone has created an inhumane mess and then someone else walks in when you’ve entered the cubicle, and instantly think ‘Did they see me come in? Do they think that this was me?’...


10.  When you’re talking about last Friday’s inappropriate shenanigans and your boss walks in...



11.  When it’s a free bar at the Christmas party and you’re already five doubles in...


12.  When it's your first day back at work after a holiday and you forgot how to function...



13.  When you have a client meeting and there is cake leftover...


14.  When you can do something a co-worker can't and they ask you how...


15.  When your work wife/husband gives you that look and someone else thinks it's for them but you know it's for you...


16.  When someone asks you to do something at 5:29 pm...


17.  When that one person always overshares...


18.  When you accidentally fall asleep for a split second, but you're not sure if anyone saw...


19.  When you get to finish early...


20.  When you get asked a question in a meeting but you haven't been paying attention at all...


21.  When you and your favourite co-worker have been paired on an assignment together...


 22.  Pay Day, 'nuff said...


What awkward situation have you found yourself in during work? Tweet us @bcsagency